Iboga is an ancient African plant medicine that helps you overcome self-sabotaging​ behavior

Our self-control is challenged more than ever before. From fast foods to social media, our modern lifestyle has normalized self-destructive behaviors

“Self-sabotage often serves as a coping mechanism that people use to deal with stressful situations and past traumas. Unfortunately, it typically makes problems worse and limits a person's ability to successfully move forward in a healthy way.”


What is Iboga?

Iboga, derived from the root bark of the Iboga tree, is a West African plant medicine. Used for thousands of years by the locals as a sacrament for deep healing and spiritual discovery, it is now renowned as the most effective plant medicine in promoting and sustaining positive long-term change.

Iboga is a powerful intervention that grants you the opportunity to have soul level accountability, silencing the pesky self-saboteur

Strengthens Intuition

Root Issues Addressed

Long Term Transformation

Connected to Truth

Mind Body Soul Integration

Iboga helps heal

Monica Black's Happy Client

Self-sabotaging addictions show up in many ways

Compulsive behaviors

Devices & Screentime

Dating & Dating Apps

"Comfort" & sugary foods

Toxic Relationships

Excessive "Workaholic"

Iboga helps get to the root of your issues

Bwete & Iboga's Origins

Nurtured in the jungles of Gabon, you’ll find the Bwete people who have found mastery in the study of life and nature. The Bwete tradition is not a religion, it’s a traditional spiritual path of living life through direct experience and persistent self-inquiry. Through an oral tradition that has been passed down for many thousands of years, the Bwete have been entrusted to carry Iboga medicine and its teachings.

Iboga is a deeply grounding medicine

Traditionally Trained Practitioner

Monica has been initiated and traditionally trained to work with Iboga by the Missoko Bwete community in Gabon, and continues to be a student of the tradition. She is honoured to serve people around the world who are called to this medicine to help change their lives for the better

Conducting Your Care

The 3 Phase Process of Iboga Medicine

1. Intake Consultation

Are you the right fit for the medicine and are we the right fit to work together? We’ll assess your health history to ensure you’re a good candidate to safely work with the medicine, and thoroughly discuss your needs and desires to determine the best treatment plan and location for you. After registration, we help prepare you for this process with pre-retreat counselling.

2. Retreat​

Experience the full potential of the medicine and Bwete teachings with our powerful retreats. If you’re new to the medicine, you’ll need a minimum of two ceremonies and a one-week program. If you’re seeking healing from addiction or other complex issues, we offer specialised programs to help you achieve the breakthrough you’re seeking, and best long-term results.

3. Aftercare

The integration period after a retreat is a critical time for healing and growth. My aftercare program offers ongoing support, helping you apply the insights gained during the retreat to your daily life. We’ll create a customised aftercare plan to set you up for long-term success. With up to six months of support, I’m here to help you achieve life lasting transformation.
Having shared in many ceremonies with Monica, over 7 years, in Gabon and around the world, I can say without a doubt, Monica is a true healer of integrity. Her tireless dedication to assisting people before retreat, during ceremony, and her ongoing commitment to assisting guests in integration, long after the session has ended, has been tireless. She has a true love for Iboga, Bwete and the many people who practice the tradition. I have complete trust in Monica’s ability to consistently help people, and share Iboga true to tradition. 🙏🏼

Frequently Asked Questions

There are certain health conditions, medications, and drugs that can be dangerous when combined with iboga. Make sure you go through a thorough screening process before working with iboga. Also, ensure you work with a well-trained and reputable facilitator, both for safety and best results. As long as you’ve gone through a screening for possible contraindications and are working with a good provider of the medicine, iboga is safe and beneficial.
Iboga is a medicine that we take not for the experience but for the benefits it delivers. It is an extremely intelligent medicine and works in different ways on different people. Iboga is about going within and accessing the truth. It is extremely grounding and can almost be experienced as sobering. When taking iboga, you will be aware of yourself, your life, and your surroundings. It has stimulant properties that keep you awake and processing the medicine for 24 hours or more. It is common for memories from your life and insights to come up over the time the medicine is working with you. Visions are sometimes experienced with iboga and usually come from within your mind’s eye. Various physical sensations can include shakiness on your feet, temperature fluctuations, increased heart rate, and an awakening of your senses. Since iboga provides a psycho-detox (detox of the mind), it is not uncommon to experience racing thoughts or a completely quiet mind.

Iboga is a powerful tool for detoxification, providing both physical and psycho-detox benefits. While some individuals may experience vomiting as part of the physical detox process, this is not a universal occurrence. Other methods of physical detox may include sweating, urination, yawning, tears, and bowel movements. After taking Iboga, you’ll have complete control over when you use the restroom, without any sense of urgency.

The psycho-detox benefits of Iboga can include a range of experiences, such as racing or unraveling thoughts, vivid imagery of past experiences, resurfacing of buried memories, and a heightened awareness of dominant thought patterns. In some cases, Iboga may even lead to a completely blank and quiet mind, allowing for a deeper level of introspection and self-reflection.

Overall, Iboga’s powerful detox benefits can help individuals achieve a greater sense of clarity and insight, leading to transformative changes in both their physical and mental health.

Iboga and the Bwete tradition made a huge positive impact on my life, and I have witnessed this medicine and tradition have a huge positive impact on the lives of many others over the years. As someone who has been in the healing field for over 15 years, I have never witnessed a therapy with the capability to help people make and maintain positive long-term changes the way iboga does. Over many years, I have continually responded to a persistent intuitive calling to assist with this work.
Iboga is for anyone seeking physical, mental or spiritual healing, spiritual growth and discovery, or simply anyone who feels intuitively called to the medicine. Although it is well-known for helping people overcome serious challenges, iboga can be helpful for overall well-being and simply helping you live your best life.
Iboga is the whole, complete root bark, in its natural form, with all alkaloids intact. It is used for physical, mental, and spiritual healing as well as detox, in ceremonial context. Ibogaine is a derivative of iboga, a single alkaloid usually used in clinics for drug and alcohol detox.

We are fortunate there are many helpful plant teachers available to us.

You will usually feel a ‘ping’ or intuitive pull towards the one that will serve you best.
Iboga is known as the ‘chief’ of plant medicines. It is the only known plant medicine with both masculine and feminine spirit, and the only plant medicine directly associated with the Truth. It is also the medicine most known for its ability to heal your mind. It is very much about going within, and helping you with your life in a very hands-on, practical way. Iboga is known to have the most long lasting effects- both in the actual processing time of the medicine (24+ hrs), as well as its impact on your life. Although the experience of taking Iboga itself may or may not be pleasant, most people come to this medicine to help them with their life in the long-term- not for the experience of taking the medicine itself. Iboga also carries more contra-indications than other medicines, and for this reason should not be used recreationally and without a good facilitator.

My main offices are based in Toronto, Canada. Retreats are offered in Mexico, Zimbabwe, Gabon, and Canada.
Yes, both private and group sessions.